

Login name: notabro
In real life: Ghost In The Shell
On since 1978 on pts/0 from
0 seconds Idle Time
Unread mail since Thu Jan 1 00:22:52 1981

Old man from the mountain, yelling at clouds

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I once had a beard almost this long, and wore a 
black leather cowboy hat to work.

I'm here to talk about sysadmin, and grumble about
how you could once run an entire graphical
operating system in 512k of memory, including a
web browser, but today, it takes over a gig of
ram just to display a single web page. You want
the truth? You can't HANDLE the truth: it's a 
gorram fraking miracle that our society continues
to function as well as it does, considering how
little skill or effort it would take to "crash"
it (and no, I'm not going to go into the details 
of how that might be done). Log4j is a recent 
and highly visible demonstration of this. You
really don't want to know how the sausage is
made. Really.

By Ghost In The Shell

very oldschool computer geek: started with Sears brand Pong on an 11" black and white TV, used a variety of 8-bit home computers, including a Commodore PET... for work; in 1992! Got online in '81, dialed up to BBS systems using 300/1200/2400/9600 baud modems and an ADM3A green screen. Got on the internet via a hard-wired serial connection to the campus Prime minicomputer, where I was also introduce to the Amiga. Essentially wound up being an Internet drop-out from that school, and then again when I quit school a second time and started a successful pre-boom era Was the sysadmin, we ran HP-UX and Solaris. Along the way, I started one of the world's first websites in '93 (and it's still running under someone else's care and feeding). Ran a dot.bomb into the ground around the millennium, then eventually wound up doing IT consulting (glorified sysadmin, essentially) for a living.

Unlike our namesake, I'm an admin who occasionally writes code, so I have a slightly different take.

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